Category: SlugCrew

New SlugCrew Rewards!

In the first few days of 2020, we eagerly announced new rewards for SlugCrew, our team of enthusiasts running SlugFest gaming sessions at game stores and conventions. Melvyn, the minotaur mage was the reward for folks who ran lots of games. We were all looking forward to a great year of gaming. Then some stuff happened… But now, in-person gaming is back, and so it’s finally time to put our minotaur friend out to pasture. Don’t worry – he’ll be back very soon in an upcoming retail release. In the meantime, we’re excited to finally announce new SlugCrew rewards! We

Online SlugCrew Events Extended

Hello SlugCrew, With new surges in Covid-19 cases underway, we will be extending the allowances for online SlugCrew events into the forseeable future. Making Online Events Please see our previous news post for instructions on how to run a SlugCrew event online! Everything about that post still applies, except for the end date, of course, which has been extended. Make sure you take a look at the provided example and follow it as best you can in your event creation and reporting! SlugCrew Rewards Extended With movement and gatherings restricted for so long, we are also extending the period of

SlugCrew May Run Events Online Until July

Hello SlugCrew, As more and more areas come under shelter in place orders to slow the spread of COVID-19, we have been mulling over ways to support our international demo team. In ordinary times, we don’t allow demonstrations held online to count towards earning SlugCrew points. However, for folks who can’t leave their homes, or who can’t gather in groups, this means they can’t run SlugCrew events at all right now. To that end, we’re opening up SlugCrew to include events hosted online from now until July 31, with some stipulations – read on to learn more! Your Online Event

The 2020 SlugCrew Rewards!

It’s a whole new decade of gaming, and we’re happy to join you all in it. And what better way to start than to show off the exciting new 2020 SlugCrew Rewards? SlugCrew is our international team of gamers who demo, run tournaments and share their love of SlugFest Games with others. By running events at game stores and conventions, SlugCrew members earn special rewards like promo cards for The Red Dragon Inn as well as pre-release versions of upcoming Character Decks. Ozrik, Wrench, Keet, Adonis, Murgath and Piper have all been pre-released to SlugCrew over the life of the

Season Five is Live!

For everyone who’s been waiting for the next update to our Red Dragon Inn Organized Play program, it’s available now! We’ve updated the winner’s pins again, included new promos and swapped out the swag. Let your Friendly Local Game Store know – you want to play Red Dragon Inn tournaments! Organized Play is your opportunity to prove that you’re a tavern brawling expert in Red Dragon Inn Tournaments! These tournaments are hosted by Tournament Organizers at your local game store, giving fans of RDI a friendly place to compete for fabulous prizes. We’ve continued to update and refine what we