Read about our winner and two honorable mentions!
Season Five is Live!
For everyone who’s been waiting for the next update to our Red Dragon Inn Organized Play program, it’s available now! We’ve updated the winner’s pins again, included new promos and swapped out the swag. Let your Friendly Local Game Store know – you want to play Red Dragon Inn tournaments! Organized Play is your opportunity to prove that you’re a tavern brawling expert in Red Dragon Inn Tournaments! These tournaments are hosted by Tournament Organizers at your local game store, giving fans of RDI a friendly place to compete for fabulous prizes. We’ve continued to update and refine what we
The 2019 SlugCrew Rewards!
Piper the Sniper and a new round of drinks await you in 2019’s set of SlugCrew Rewards!
Update about the En Garde Reforged Kickstarter Campaign
Read here for more information about the campaign.
Prize Cards Join The Red Dragon Inn!
Today, we are thrilled to introduce a new, exciting way to spice up your game of The Red Dragon Inn: the Prize Variant. The Prize Variant is a new way to amp up a Round of Gambling by adding some serious stakes to pot (as if losing all your gold wasn’t important enough!). Each of the Prizes we will be introducing have some pretty significant consequences, and your ability to outplay your opponents in a Round of Gambling will become an important part of your game-winning strategy. Prizes are a new kind of card that represent special trophies you win
Announcing the Gambling, I’m In Game Design Contest!
Dust off your Rogues and Warriors deck! We want your designs!
Murgath the Blessed now available to SlugCrew!
Run events to earn a prerelease version of a new RDI character!
Look over there! It’s the Lich King!
The mysterious Lich King has finally taken a break from his eldritch studies for a pint of ale at the tavern.
The Red Dragon Inn 6: Villains – Now Available!
Grab your copy of RDI 6 today!
Bastian Wins the 2017 Doppelganger Tournament!
Read on for more details on what happened at this year’s Doppelganger Tournament!