The 2019 SlugCrew Rewards!
Happy New Year SlugFans!
As we launch into another year of gaming, it’s time to share 2019’s exciting new rewards for the SlugCrew program!
SlugCrew is our international team of gamers who demo, run tournaments and share their love of SlugFest Games with others. By running events at game stores and conventions, SlugCrew members earn special rewards like promo cards for The Red Dragon Inn as well as pre-release versions of upcoming Character Decks. Ozrik, Wrench, Keet, Adonis and Murgath have all been pre-released to SlugCrew over the life of the program.
Long story short: play the games you love, tell us about it, and we send you cool stuff!
We have three brand new promo drinks for 2019’s SlugCrew Minor Reward. Oozing with new mechanics introduced by RDI7 and The Wench, we have two new Elixirs, potent drinks with persistent effects and another brew from one of Chronos’ timelines. To play with promo drinks, just shuffle a few into your normal Drink Deck.
You can earn these drinks by getting 30 SlugCrew points (or about 6 hours worth of demoing). SlugCrew who earn 150 points or more will get our Major Reward, a brand new pre-release character deck: Piper, the Eagle-Eyed Sniper!
After helping our heroes save the town in the Battle for Greyport, Piper, the Eagle-Eyed Sniper, has proven herself worthy of a spot at the table. The veteran ranger and bounty hunter joins the party at The Red Dragon Inn, and finally adds an Archer to the roster (something our fans have been asking for for ages)!
Piper is based on one of the Honorable Mention winners from the Character Design Contest, Hunter the Hunter. Hunter introduced the idea of novelty arrows and a quiver deck to the game. He was the last character remaining to be introduced to the game, and as soon as we received the artwork for the Eagle-Eyed Sniper for BFG we knew who our archer was going to be!
Piper has a side deck, called the Quiver, which contains multiple, unique trick arrows. These cards have all the card subtypes you know and love, and offer her a number of fancy options throughout the game. At the start of her turn, instead of drawing only from her character deck, she first draws an Arrow, and then finishes drawing to a hand of 7 cards. Piper also draws Arrows when she plays a card that tells her to. In this way she can hoard Arrow cards in her hand until she decides it’s time to blot out the sun and make it rain!
On her turn, Piper can either play an Action card as normal, or play an Arrow card, If she plays an Arrow card, after it resolves she may play another, and another, and another, and another… essentially firing every arrow she has drawn up to that point in the game!
However, blowing through your Arrows in quick succession could run you out of ammo real quick. Unlike all other side decks released so far, Piper’s Quiver does not reshuffle when it’s exhausted. Once Piper is out of Arrows, she can no longer draw them! She is a professional survivalist though, and can slowly refletch her arrows with a handful of signature cards. So if the game runs long, she can cherry pick the right arrow for the job at hand, whether that’s avoiding nasty drinks, catching cheaters, or lighting adventurers on fire.
Piper will be part of a later product release, but until then will only be available through the SlugCrew program. So sign up today and start earning those points!