GAMA Digs SlugFest Games!

We have gotten such good feedback about Red Dragon Inn: 3 and High Noon Saloon that they are both now up for the Origins Awards!  For those who don’t know, hundreds of games are sent to GAMA to compete for this award in various categories such as Best Board Game or Best Traditional Card Game.  Of these hundreds of games only ten games from each category make it to the Shortlist.  That Shortlist is then offered up to brick and mortar retailers to vote on which five games make the cut to the Nominee List.  If you are good enough to

Clarifications, Errata, and Reprint!

Thank you! Why are we thanking you?  It’s because you guys are so awesome we have to move forward with an early reprint of Red Dragon Inn 3 and another of Red Dragon Inn 1!  As part of this reprint, we decided to do a few updates to the rules and card with more clarifications that fix some problems we have come across. You can download the new rules here: Red Dragon Inn 1 Red Dragon Inn 2 Red Dragon Inn 3 Red Dragon Inn 3: Character Rules Card Errata: As we where playtesting for upcoming releases, we ran into a

Chicagoland Games Red Dragon Inn Eggnog Event

Every year Chicagoland Games runs a very special Red Dragon Inn game, the Eggnog Event, where you partake in the beverage of your choice, or eggnog, each time your character does!  Chicagoland Games has been holding this event since the release of Red Dragon Inn and we love it.  To support them, SlugFest Games has offered them both of the new Red Dragon Inn Characters, Erin the Ever Changing and Pookie the Vicious, and you can get a chance to preview these characters at the event! The Eggnog Event is held on Saturday, December 17th at 7:00PM.  There is a

The New Eve

For this year’s print run of RDI1 and RDI2, we changed the wording on most of the cards.  In the vast majority of cases, the reason for this was simply to make all the cards have consistent wording and to more clearly express each card’s original intended function.  However, you diehard Slug Fans out there may have noticed that for the new printing of RDI2, we made functional changes to Eve.  It’s true; we decided that Eve was badly underpowered and needed some tweaking. First, the changes.  For those of you who have an original printing of RDI2, feel free

SlugCrew Newsletter – December 2011

SlugCrew Newsletter – December 2011 Hello SlugCrew! As we head into the most consumer heavy time of the year we at SlugFest Games just wanted to appreciate you for your hard work over and the volunteered time you have spent with us.  Thank you for running demos and events, for helping us out at conventions, and for being positive members of your gaming communities! We would like to encourage any of you to help out your local brick and mortar stores this season by being there on game nights and helping them out by building up excitement about all the

Interesting Interactions from GenCon

We love Gen Con.  We sell a lot of games, meet a lot of people, and generally have fun playing games (our own and others)!  Of course, a whole bunch of people played a whole bunch of Red Dragon Inn this summer at Gen Con, including at our (in)famous RDI Doppelganger Tournament.  Two rules situations came up which were very interesting, so I thought I should share them here. In both cases, complex situations ended up having “by the book” answers based on the newly revised rulebook and reminder text on the cards.  As the main guy who wrote the

Black Friday Gaming Update!

Hello everyone! SlugFest Games will be at Hacker Dojo tomorrow, November 24th for their Black Friday Board Games Day.  Come check out and playtest our 2012 games: Erin the Ever Changing – An elven druid joins the Red Dragon Inn party, switching between her Bear, Raven, and Tree Wildshapes to avoid drinks, snatch up gold, and dish out punishment. Pooky the Vicious – Zot’s trans-dimensional Familiar Pooky joins the party with his own deck, and is ready to bite back against anyone (or everyone!) who decides to pick on his cute and fluffy white self. Magician’s Club – The carnival’s manager

Bay Area Gaming and Magician’s Club

Hey everyone! Playtesting on Magician’s Club, Erin the Ever-changing, and Pooky the Vicious has been going very well. If you happen to be in the area, I will be at the Bay Area Peninsula Addicts Monthly Game Day this Saturday, November 29th. I’ll have our new and old products for playtesting, and will be up for playing other folk’s games too! Come check me and our resident Slug Crew Cedric out at: Sequoia Church 233 Topaz Road Redwood City, CA 94062-2817 Happy Gaming! – Sam Waller, VP SlugFest Games

Minor Errata for High Noon Saloon!

Hi there, internet readers!  We’re super excited about the release of our latest game High Noon Saloon.  Unfortunately, one small oversight made it into the final version of the game. The first sentence of James Masterson’s special ability says this: Whenever you put a Gun in your Fist or Holster, it becomes fully loaded (do not draw a Load Card). It should read as follows: Whenever you equip a Gun to your Fist or Holster, it becomes fully loaded (do not draw a Load Card). That one-word difference is important!  The key part to remember is that a Gun only