Extra Life Stream and 50th Character Announcement!

You’ve probably seen our previous post about our partnership in support of Extra Life, but now we’re joining in and planning a stream of our own to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals! We’re raising money for UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals this year, and you can help us reach our goals. Next weekend on November 9th, from Noon PST until 6pm PST, we’ll be livestreaming on Twitch to encourage donations to Extra Life! We’ll also be giving away copies of the Water of Life promo card, and raffling other sweet, to-be-revealed prizes. We’ll be playing games, chatting with guests,

SlugFest Games Teams Up with Extra Life!

We’re excited to announce a collaboration we’ve been working on with Extra Life, an organization you may already know about that unites thousands of players around the world to host fundraising and gaming marathons in support of their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. For years now, we’ve been supporting streamers who reached out to us for help with their Extra Life events. We’re always pleased to see just how many of our fans are putting in the work to support their favorite charities, and we’re grateful that those fans invite us to be a part of that! This year, we’re

Kung Fu Fighting is Back!

We’ve had occasional requests over the years to reprint our first game, Kung Fu Fighting. This game has long been a fan favorite, thanks to its fun flavor and super-simple game play. For a long time, there wasn’t enough demand to go to our manufacturer and make a whole new print run. But now we have two important new developments in the games industry: Kickstarter and DriveThruCards. The combination of the two means that we can reprint old classics with relatively low risk. So that’s what we’re doing! You can back our new project right now on Kickstarter. If you

Season Five is Live!

For everyone who’s been waiting for the next update to our Red Dragon Inn Organized Play program, it’s available now! We’ve updated the winner’s pins again, included new promos and swapped out the swag. Let your Friendly Local Game Store know – you want to play Red Dragon Inn tournaments! Organized Play is your opportunity to prove that you’re a tavern brawling expert in Red Dragon Inn Tournaments! These tournaments are hosted by Tournament Organizers at your local game store, giving fans of RDI a friendly place to compete for fabulous prizes. We’ve continued to update and refine what we