Announcing the Gambling, I’m In Game Design Contest!

Hello, SlugFans! We’ve received some pings on our radar indicating renewed interest in our old Gambling, I’m In! product. We’re pretty excited about this, since that product is near and dear to our hearts. We have big plans for a reboot, and we think you’re going to love what we’re putting together.

We aren’t ready to announce full details about the new product just yet, but here’s a small reveal: we plan to add a few more games to the existing GII lineup. We’re working on a couple of designs in-house, but we’d like your ideas, as well!

So, it’s time for another game design contest! We are looking for game designs that use the Rogues and Warriors deck and/or d6s. Here are some contest rules:

  • A submission must be in the form of a clear, well-written PDF describing the game and how to play it.
  • Maximum of 3 submitted games per person.
  • Submissions must include a signed Contest Waiver. Any game design submitted without a signed waiver will be immediately deleted, unopened.
  • Submissions must be sent to, with the subject line “GII Design Contest”.
  • Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM Pacific Time, November 11, 2018.

And here are a few guidelines. Unlike the above, these ones aren’t hard-and-fast rules. If a submission really wows us, we may pick it as a contest winner even if it doesn’t follow these guidelines:

  • Games that don’t require extra components are preferred. (The “basic” components are a Rogues and Warriors deck with optional Dragon Cards and Grey Tableau Cards, some d6s, and some kind of betting tokens like poker chips.)
  • Games that use betting rounds are preferred over games that use the “Playing for Shares” rules from the GII rulebook.
  • Games that can be played inside of a game of The Red Dragon Inn are preferred over games that can’t.
  • Games that include variants are preferred, especially a variant that allows your game to be played with or without the Dragon Cards.

The winning design will receive $300 and a copy of the upcoming rebooted game. Honorable mentions will receive $100 and a copy of the game. So dust off your old Rogues and Warriors deck, grab some dice and poker chips, and start playtesting!

And if you’re not familiar with GII, don’t fret, because there’s plenty of time for you to submit a winning design! You can study the existing games here, you can download a print and play of the cards here, and you can even get a Tabletop Simulator module of the game here. So even if you’ve never played the game before, you’ll be able to easily bring yourself up to speed!

Thanks, everyone! We look forward to seeing your ideas!

And, of course, there’s a bit of fine print:

As the Contest Waiver states, we reserve the right to select any number of winners, including none. In addition, if you are selected to win a prize, your receipt of that prize will be contingent upon assigning exclusive rights to your design to SlugFest Games.

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