Ever wondered how a pixie could get into adventuring? Read on…
Tag: kaylin
Ending Your Turn for Fun and Profit!
Hi there, everyone! I’m writing this blog post to make sure everyone understands a mechanic that was added relatively recently to The Red Dragon Inn: ending your turn via a card effect.
Clarifications, Errata, and Reprint!
Thank you! Why are we thanking you? It’s because you guys are so awesome we have to move forward with an early reprint of Red Dragon Inn 3 and another of Red Dragon Inn 1! As part of this reprint, we decided to do a few updates to the rules and card with more clarifications that fix some problems we have come across. You can download the new rules here: Red Dragon Inn 1 Red Dragon Inn 2 Red Dragon Inn 3 Red Dragon Inn 3: Character Rules Card Errata: As we where playtesting for upcoming releases, we ran into a