Today we look at all those special gambling and cheating cards that set the amateur apart from the professional card sharks!
RulesFest: Gambling 101
Gambling? Are you in? Today’s episode of RulesFest covers all things Gambling!
Season 2 of Organized Play is Here!
New swag and never seen before goodies for RDI Fans everywhere!
Place Your Orders by Dec. 16th!
Place your order by December 16th and we’ll get it to you by the 24th!
RulesFest: The Second Rule of Sometimes
In today’s episode of RulesFest we discuss the Second Rule of Sometimes!
RulesFest: The First Rule of Sometimes
In today’s episode of RulesFest we discuss the First Rule of Sometimes!
RulesFest: Dealing with Chasers
In this post, we talk about the exciting world of Chasers, the scariest drinks at the Red Dragon Inn!
RDI Artists: Erin Wong
Check out the first in a series of RDI artist interviews. This one’s with Staff Artist Erin Wong!
RulesFest: Keep Your Drink Deck Slim!
Think twice before shuffling all of your drinks together!
RulesFest: Starting Gold with Fewer and More Players
RulesFest is a blog where we go over a few of our design choices as well as cover the occasionally missed rule. This week we talk about making sure you start with the correct amount of gold!