Drink Prize Design Contest Winners
Drink/Prize Design Contest Winners!
Hello again SlugFans! It’s been a while since we announced this contest, and we know that some entrants have been eagerly awaiting the results. The response was tremendous, with almost 250 entries overall!
The first challenge was reading our way through the bulk of the entries…and the second challenge was narrowing down everything we liked into a reasonably-sized group. There was so much creativity and humor on display that we really had to wrestle with our choices!
In the end, we managed to agree on one clear winner, and TEN Honorable Mentions! We’re excited to share them with you now, with a small disclaimer; the preview art, where it exists, is not final (border treatments and other elements may still be subject to change.)
Without further ado, we’re ready to share the results…
Honorable Mentions

Michael Foster
This card is simple, punchy (literally!), and made us laugh right away. That Joran and his portals…

Kevin Adelsberger
This is another entry that made us chuckle immediately – and the strong, in-character theme really grabbed us!

Devon Lieske
The imagery involved in this card is top-notch, and the effect is simple but dramatic!

Jordan Mathis
The art description for this card involves…you guessed it…a sponge! This seemed like just the sort of groaner of a joke that the party might pull on each other, so we’re happy to include it in this list.

Mike Cooling
Here’s an entry with a theme that seems so ‘right-in-front-of-you’ obvious that we’re surprised we haven’t made it ourselves!

Dave Joria
Cue the horror theme songs! This drink has some fang-tastic theme and brings some amazingly fun drama to the table.

Dave Joria
Careful readers may have spotted that a contestant has actually won two Honorable Mentions! Where Corpse Reviver keeps your Fortitude and Alcohol Content on the brink, Goldswagger dares you to push closer to it for a few Gold more.

Wesley Fader
Bouncing Dragons puts a lot of text on the card, but it’s worth it for the fun play that it brings to the table. Players have to choose whether or not to follow those Bouncing Dragons, and it can be a tough decision!

Roy Fisher
This card grabbed us with its killer punny name, and kept us hooked with pure, delightful theme! With this card, you’ll finally be an Orc when a flagon of Rotgut hits the table.

William Glenn
Helmet Pong brings both high-quality theme and an unexpected ‘mini-game’ into the list of Honorable Mentions! Once again, this just seems like something the party would actually do.
And that brings us to the end of the Honorable Mentions!
Grand Prize

Ryan Tur
Ryan’s entry is just an amazing blend of theme and mechanics. This prize embodies something we’re all familiar with, and playing it feels so much like filling out a loyalty card and then getting a bonus for it!
Thank you to our contest winners, and to everyone who sent in submissions! It was great to see that so many people want to help contribute to making The Red Dragon Inn even more awesome with new Prizes and Drink cards.