Dungeon Decorators Gets the Father Geek Seal of Approval!

Dungeon Decorators Gets the Father Geek Seal of Approval!

We are super stoked to announce that Father Geek has reviewed our upcoming release, Dungeon Decorators, and has given it the Father Geek Seal of Approval! This means that the game was enjoyed by all three of their target groups: Child Geeks, Parent Geeks and Gamer Geeks.
One of the things that really drew us to the Dungeon Decorators design in the first place was the way that it appeals to casual gamers while also having enough “strategic meat” to appeal to the more hardcore crowd. So, we’re happy that such a respected reviewer as Father Geek agrees with us on that point!
To learn more about Dungeon Decorators, see our earlier blog post about it.