Kickstarter Progress and Gen Con 2013!

How’s The Red Dragon Inn:4 Going?

We have confirmed our printer and quote and are just waiting on the final art assets to be finished. We just got the final cover images in place (the preview is, of course, an incomplete one we are using for Gen Con). The only other assets we are waiting on are Natyli’s various tokens. Cormac, Remy, Bryn, and Tara are otherwise ready to go, as well as all of the rulebooks and boxes. We are definitely on schedule to hit our estimated delivery date!

How about the Guide to Inns and Taverns?

We are finally moving through the final steps for delivering on our first Kickstarter! All of our books are accounted for and we are in the process of signing and shipping them out. We have to take a break for Gen Con, but we should have everything out before the month runs it’s course. If you are a backer on The Guide, make sure you’ve updated us with your current mailing address!

Gen Con 2013!

We are absolutely stoked to be at Gen Con 2013! Pay us a visit at Booth #1925 where you can get a chance to play RDI:4, Cormac the Mighty, Witchdoctor Natyli, and even Ozrik the Adept! We also have two events with seats still available at Gen Con. Hit up the ticket booth and sign up!

1. Gambling? I’m In! Tournament on Friday at 9PM check it out here.
2. The Red Dragon Inn: Doppelganger Tournament on Saturday at 7PM check it out here.

If you’d like a chance to play with the creator (all of the scheduled events have been sold out since day one!), then come by our booth and we’ll try to squeeze you in. Space permitting, we’ll be accepting generics to our Gambling? I’m In! tournaments on Saturday.

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