SlugFest Games Teams Up with Extra Life!

We’re excited to announce a collaboration we’ve been working on with Extra Life, an organization you may already know about that unites thousands of players around the world to host fundraising and gaming marathons in support of their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
For years now, we’ve been supporting streamers who reached out to us for help with their Extra Life events. We’re always pleased to see just how many of our fans are putting in the work to support their favorite charities, and we’re grateful that those fans invite us to be a part of that!
This year, we’re offering copies of a special promo card to Extra Life streamers to help make their events more exciting for participants – the Water of Life! Copies of this card will be given away by the streamers to viewers of their livestreams as a big ‘THANK YOU’ for supporting their fundraising efforts.

If you want to take part in Extra Life this year, you should go here to register and here to connect with others and learn more about streaming your favorite games in support of Extra Life and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Extra Life’s community resources hold a vast wealth of tips and best practices for making your stream fun to run, fun to watch, safe, AND successful!
If you’re playing The Red Dragon Inn during your Extra Life event, please reach out to us at and we’ll send you some copies of Water of Life to give away to your stream’s viewers and donors! We’ll need your name and address, a description of your livestream plans, and a link to your fundraising page.
Not interested in running a livestream for Extra Life? Want a copy of Water of Life for your very own? Keep an eye out for streams run by board gamers, watch their content, spread the word, and of course, donate to your favorite Extra Life streams for the kids!
We’ll be giving shout-outs to Extra Life streamers who participate, so keep an eye on our Twitter and our Facebook calendar!