A Gala to Remembala!

A Gala to Remembala! By Geoff Bottone Today we dive into the finale of our tale from the Undercity. The plan has been set, will our heroes foil it in time? This is Chapter 5 of an ongoing story. Follow this link if you missed Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 or Chapter 4. Petra didn’t look back, or look at the box she now carried tucked under one arm. Instead, she kept right on running until she had reached Greyport street level. Then, slowing just a bit so as not to be stupidly obvious, she jogged a zig-zag track

Jett the Courier

Jett the Courier By Geoff Bottone The Red Dragon Inn 9 – The Undercity is live on Kickstarter! Today we dive into a tale from the Undercity. Let’s meet Jett the Courier, a package runner always on the look out for the most daring and exciting paths through the twisting tunnels (and garden beds, windows, clotheslines…) of the Undercity. This is Chapter 4 of an ongoing story. Follow this link if you missed Chapter 1, Chapter 2 or Chapter 3. Jett hurtled down the dimly lit tunnel, dodging wobbling pushcarts and their irate pushers. His feet flew over the muddy

Doctor Terci

Doctor Terci By Geoff Bottone The Red Dragon Inn 9 – The Undercity is live on Kickstarter! Today we dive into a tale from the Undercity. Let’s meet Doctor Terci, a surgeon in the Undercity trying to make an honest living in a world of magical healing.. This is Chapter 3 of an ongoing story. Follow this link if you missed Chapter 1 or Chapter 2. “Now then,” Terci said, tying off the bandage around the young man’s arm and threading the ends back in through the wrapping, “that should do it. I’d leave it on for three days or

Beastsergeant Ygella

Beastsergeant Ygella By Geoff Bottone The Red Dragon Inn 9 – The Undercity is live on Kickstarter! Today we dive into a tale from the Undercity. Let’s meet Ygella, Beastsergeant for the Runoff Rangers responsible for keeping the citizens of the Undercity safe from the cavern’s natural flora and fauna. This is Chapter 2 of an ongoing story. Follow this link if you missed Chapter 1. Ygella hunkered down in the back of the cave, tossing one of her axes from hand to hand, and stared at the back of the cage. Inside, her army of mighty ants were working

Dale the Mycologist

Dale the Mycologist By Geoff Bottone The Red Dragon Inn 9 – The Undercity is live on Kickstarter! Today we dive into a tale from the Undercity. Let’s meet Dale, our diminutive, pixie mushroom farmer as he runs into an intriguing character up to no good. “Hey!” shouted Dale, his mouth full of mud. “Watch where you’re going!” He pushed himself up off of the cavern floor and squinted angrily through the roiling cloud of spores. Ahead of him, a gorge of absolute ruin had been carved straight through the middle of his carefully cultivated field. In the distant shadows,

RDI 9 is LIVE on Kickstarter!

You and your heroic companions have celebrated, brawled, and spent your hard earned gold night after night at Greyport’s legendary tavern. But what of those daring souls who make their lives beneath the cobblestone roads that take you to The Red Dragon Inn? Let’s take a trip down below, and visit the Undercity! The Red Dragon Inn 9 introduces four new characters, all hailing from the Undercity of Greyport, each with their own mechanics and distinctive RDI flair. The Red Dragon Inn 9 is a standalone expansion that contains everything you need to play, and it can be combined with

Digging Deep to The Red Dragon Inn 9: The Undercity!

You and your heroic companions have celebrated, brawled, and spent your hard earned gold night after night at Greyport’s legendary tavern. But what of those daring souls who make their lives beneath the cobblestone roads that take you to The Red Dragon Inn? Let’s take a trip down below, and visit the Undercity! The Red Dragon Inn 9 introduces four new characters, all hailing from the Undercity of Greyport, each with their own mechanics and distinctive RDI flair. The Red Dragon Inn 9 is a standalone expansion that contains everything you need to play, and it can be combined with

Where’s My Ride is LIVE

Where’s My Ride? is a cooperative game of deduction and miscommunication for 2-7 players. You and your friends are trying to meet up for a ride-share. There’s a big problem, though! The app is bugging out bigtime; it’s not sharing Rider or Driver locations, and the messaging features have gone haywire. Riders will use a deck of quirky, autofilled text messages to ask the Driver where they are. Unfortunately, the Driver can only react to the messages with emojis! Will you find your Driver before the app cancels the ride and gives everyone a dreaded 1-out-of-5 star rating!?! Your Driver

Extra Life Fundraiser 2022

‘When are you going to do Extra Life again?’, some fans have asked. Well, the answer is; next weekend! Last year we had an incredible amount of participation in our fundraising from fans like you, with more donating to help Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals than our previous two years combined. Want to be a part of that winning combination? Read on! On November 12th, from Noon until 4pm Pacific, we’ll be livestreaming on Twitch to encourage donations to Extra Life! We’ll also be giving away copies of the Wrench’s Great Big Helper promo card, and raffling other sweet, to-be-revealed prizes.