Extra Life Fundraiser 2023

‘When are you going to do Extra Life again?’, fans ask of us every summer and fall. The answer is; next weekend! Last year we had an incredible amount of participation in our fundraising from fans like you, with hundreds donating to help Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Want to be a part of that winning combination? Read on!

On Saturday, November 11th, from Noon until 4pm Pacific, we’ll be livestreaming on Twitch to encourage donations to Extra Life!
We’ll also be giving away copies of the Fortitudinal Resonator promo card, and raffling other sweet, to-be-revealed prizes.

We’ll be playing games, chatting with guests, answering questions, and telling a few ripping yarns, so join in on the fun!
You can watch the stream on our Twitch channel here; https://www.twitch.tv/slugfestgames