Update #6 – (Almost) 90% of the Way There!
We are 10% away from funding the project!
We have a whole week to go and that makes our stretch goals absolutely within reach. Help us finish this Kickstarter with a bang! To those of you have been helping spread the word, THANK YOU! To the rest of you (you know who you are…) now’s the time to step up to the plate. Anything you can do to help bring more eyes to the project will go a long way! Seriously though, every little bit we get at this point will be going directly into making a better quality book.
Oh, and don’t forget the Stretch Goals – Drinking Condition Cards, and Tavern Tiles, and Adventures, oh my!
Wooden GII case:
Cliff finished the first Wooden Gambling? I’m In! box (available at the Games of Chance Pledge Level).
The box is solid hardwood (mahogany) with a hand forged steel knob, and gives you plenty of room for your brand new Gambling? I’m In! set. All of the pictured bits are included. Some one has already snached one of these up and there are only 4 left, so get them while they are available!
An Ode to the Tavern
One of our most awesome backers, Roy Corey, has felt the same way about inns and taverns that we do for some time. He’s even written a song on the topic that we thought you all might enjoy!
You can check the video out here.
In his own words:
“We share a common interest in that ubiquitous plot-furthering location, the tavern. I’ve had a couple regular Pathfinder games where the characters were based out of a tavern, one of the craftier players actually made a scale version because we had such frequent encounters there. Because of all that and the various plot hooks that were game standards I wrote a ukulele song about it, an Ode to the Tavern.”