Tales Kickstarter is LIVE
The rumors are true! The long wait is over! Delve into dungeons and topple terrors in Tales from the Red Dragon Inn!
After bubbling in our game development cauldron for a few years, we’ve finally mixed in the right amount of juicy gameplay morsels and balanced the thematic herbs and spices perfectly. Prepare yourselves for a piping-hot serving of dungeon crawl action!
A Cooperative Dungeon Crawler!
In Tales, 1-4 players work as a team to defeat the bad guys and progress to the next encounter in a 20+ scenario campaign. As you gather more victories under your belt, each hero will unlock new abilities, and the party’s shared armory of items will grow.

Epic Storyline!
Tales from the Red Dragon Inn is built to be a thrill from start to finish! From the first scenario to the last, you’ll be propelled forward by an exciting story that builds to an epic finale, written by Red Dragon Inn series veteran, Geoff Bottone.

Exciting Combat!
Our heroes have unique and versatile abilities to keep them knocking villainous heads and avoiding danger. Adventurers tend to need that sort of thing!

Not only is the fighting tactical and versatile, it’s accessible, with clear rules and design to help you focus on the action!
Riveting Scenarios!
Each scenario features a unique and artfully detailed map, that will serve as the field of battle as well as the home of enemy and NPC Schemes – the different things that bad guys will do to thwart the heroes! Players share book-keeping duties in order to keep the action going – there is no ‘dungeon master.’

The Scheme mechanic means that scenarios offer a great variety, and your objectives offer more excitement than just ’empty the room.’ You’ll see door-busting dungeon exploration, chase-scenes, rescue missions and tugs-of-war against your foes. Band together with your friends, and with a bit of luck and careful maneuvering, you’ll complete your party’s objective…before your enemies achieve their own!