Battle for Greyport Store Events are Live!

Hey SlugFans!
We’re excited to announce in-store events for our cooperative deckbuilding game, Battle for Greyport! With these new events, you’ll be able to get together at your FLGS, learn to play (or test your skills) and come away with some fancy new cards for your copy at home!
Play the new scenario, “The Return of Ripsnarl” and get a free Dragon’s Breath Ale on the house for protecting the Red Dragon Inn from the intimidating Doomwolves! This scenario comes in two flavors of difficulty so both introductory and seasoned players should find a good time.

Who doesn’t like awesome swag and supporting local business? Reach out to your Friendly Local Game Store and let them know you want Battle for Greyport Store Events! Your FLGS can order the kit through our website.
We are also eager to hear about your experience. So make sure you bring your friends, have a good time and share your feedback and stories with us on Facebook or Twitter!

Store Event Kits are for you to promote your store and our games. We want you to be successful because you are responsible for the bulk of our income! Keep up the good work and share an exciting program with your customers.
Each kit supports one table’s worth of play (2-5 players) for your customers, so we priced them flexibly to make it easy to order the amount you think will fit local demand. We tried our best to structure them so that they work for a cooperative gameplay experience and want all the feedback you can give us about the kits and the program.
You can send feedback to us at:

We need your help giving these events the boost they need and teaching new players how to crush the monster uprisings! Storefronts will need experienced players to help facilitate these events. Store Events will offer you a chance to earn points toward your SlugCrew Rewards, as well as the opportunity to earn these new promos! We will be relying on the feedback of SlugCrew like you to improve the program. When you submit event reports, feel free to include any feedback you might have for us!
You can get all of the documentation ahead of time on the Store Events page of our website. Brief yourselves on the rules, and then get out there and let your FLGS know you want to run events!