Welcome to SlugCrew!

Welcome to SlugCrew!
First of all, thank you for joining SlugCrew! SlugCrew’s mission is to help people discover SlugFest’s games, and have fun playing our games at game stores and conventions.
It’s completely up to you to decide when, where and how often you’d like to run game sessions. SlugFest Games occasionally contacts SlugCrew folks about local opportunities, but the vast majority of events run by SlugCrew members are self-organized. If you’re not sure how to get started, read on!
Step 1 – Find a place to demo!
Usually, this will be a local game store or convention (home games do not count for SlugCrew). Contact the store or convention and ask them if they’d be interested in having someone demo or run an event featuring SlugFest Games. If the store already carries SlugFest products, great. If they don’t, offer to give a demo to the store owner! Remember, one of our goals with SlugCrew is getting our games in front of people who haven’t played them before.
Step 2 – Set up an event!
Work with the store or convention to get an event onto their schedule. Once you have set up an event, see if you can advertise it somehow. Relying on the store or convention organizers to get the word out doesn’t always work, unfortunately.
Make sure that copies of the game(s) you plan to demo are available. The store or convention may be able to help you here, but don’t assume that they can!
If you plan to demo The Red Dragon Inn, High Noon Saloon or Battle for Greyport we have cheat sheets for SlugCrew demoers. These documents outline the processes that we’ve found to be the most effective for teaching those games to new players.
Step 3 – Help players have fun!
At the event, your job is to make sure your players are having as much fun as possible. If the players come away thinking that the game is fun, then you’ve done a good job!
Step 4 – Tell us about it!
From the main SlugCrew page, you can log in and report events. The form asks for details like where and when the event was, how long it lasted, and how many players you had.
In addition, please help us get feedback from your players! After your demo, if you brought feedback cards, hand them out and encourage players to fill out the survey.
Step 5 – Repeat!
Keep spreading the word about our games! Make the world a better place, one game at a time. 🙂
Remember, SlugCrew rewards are available for those who have high activity. You can track your progress toward rewards by logging in to the SlugCrew page!
Feel free to contact us at slugcrew@slugfestgames.com.
You might find what you’re looking for on the Resources Page.
Want even more advice?
Check out our newsletter about starting your own demo night from scratch!
Once again, thank you for joining SlugCrew!