Dale the Mycologist

Characters – Dale the Mycologist

Wash Down Dinner
Good_As_Gold I_Reckon_We're_Done_Here Wash Down Dinner Dale_MASTER

The Undercity is fertile ground for a mushroom farmer like Dale. An expert in both the edible and medicinal varieties of fungus, he supplies a cornucopia of fine goods. Dale is a genial, down-to-earth pixie who’s quick to fluster when folks do him a wrong turn – not uncommon when your crop is small and the big-folk just walk on through!

The Good: Dale’s work ethic and sense of fairness have made him outstanding in his field.

The Bad: If these consarned adventurers trample his crops one more time

Race: Pixie
Class: Farmer

Playable in:
The Red Dragon Inn 9


Dale the Mycologist

Beastsergeant Ygella

Doctor Terci

Jett the Courier

A Gala to Remembala!


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