SlugCrew Ranks
As you accumulate points in SlugCrew, your SlugCrew Rank will change. You have two different ranks:
Prefix: your Slug prefix is determined by the points you have accumulated in the past year:
- 0 points: No prefix
- 1-29 points: Active Slug
- 30-149 points: Power Slug
- 150+ points: Super Slug
Suffix: your Slug suffix is determined by the total number of points you have accumulated:
- 0 points: No rank
- 1-49 points: Slug Initiate
- 50-99 points: Slug Journeyman
- 100-199 points: Slug Adept
- 200-499 points: Slug Warrior
- 500-999 points: Slug Master
- 1000+ points: Slug Demigod
So, for example, if you have earned a total of 250 points, including 75 in the past year, your rank would be Power Slug Warrior.